Boise Strategic Focus Areas
As a Boise community we identified the goal of working on increasing authentic connection for our young people in order to promote mental health and well-being. Across many community conversations we have identified key strategic focus areas in which to increase connection for youth. Stay tuned as work develops! ​

Public Communication Campaign
In order to change the conditions in our community and make this the best possible place for kids to grow up, we need to share two key messages: 1)Upstream Prevention is important and each of us has a role to play, and 2)For Boise youth the data is clear, connection is a key to supporting mental health.
Learn more about the Boise Let's Connect Campaign!

Boise Youth Mental Wellness Alliance
A group of Boise parents and community members came together to form the Youth Mental Wellness Alliance which is focused on 4 major strategies:
Appropriate Technology Use in Schools
Transitioning to Recommended School Start Times
Upstream Prevention for Youth mental well-being
Meaningful Learning and Connections in the Outdoors

Youth Spaces and Connections
The Communities for Youth Teen Action team, in collaboration with community members and partners want to create more safe and fun spaces for youth to connect.

Multigenerational Gatherings
Community members in this group want to create many opportunities to connect youth and adults through events, meals, and shared conversations.

Connecting Youth to Volunteering
Our friends over at JUSTSERVE have sent us many upcoming opportunities for teens to volunteer, here are just a few (check out their website for more)!
Here are a variety of JustServe projects that a teen could volunteer for:
Help Prep Merrill Park for Warm Weather Fun at the "Spring Fling"
Decorate Residents' doors at Eagle Spring Creek Assisted Living
Christine Donnell School of the Arts Community Garden Weeding
Help Around the House at the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Boise
Caldwell Senior Center is Looking for Help Decorating the Center