Communities for Youth
Boise Initiative

Boise Schools, Central District Health, St. Luke’s Community Health and Engagement, the city of Boise Mayor’s office, parents, partners, and other community members have committed to being a Community for Youth. The initiative hopes to move youth mental health and well-being efforts upstream.
Boise is in their 3rd year of conducting the Youth Well-Being Survey and their first year of working as a Community for Youth. Together, the Boise community is keeping the attention on building the best possible community for kids. In Fall 2023, Boise partners and community members reviewed the data and set goals.
The Boise initiative is currently focused on increasing social connection for young people.
Boise Calendar
Get Involved

The Communities for Youth approach depends on everyone working together to build the best possible community for kids. We call community meetings Action Team meetings. In Action Teams, we review the data, learn about what we can do and make plans for concrete actions everyone can take to support youth well-being. Learn what we our focused on currently. Action teams will start again in February 2025.
Boise Community Leads
Meet Heather & Andrea!
If you want to get involved or have questions please contact:
Heather Allan
Central District Health

Heather Allan
Health Specialist
Central District Health
Andrea Hill
Community Engagement Coordinator
Communities for Youth

Key Partners
The Communities for Youth approach includes individuals like parents, youth, and business owners but it also relies on organizational partners such as schools, city leadership, faith institution and other such organizations.
Upcoming Boise Events:
Use the calendar below to see upcoming meetings for the Boise City-Wide Initiative.